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Oankom snein (September 22) is the 'tรบnpreek' yn the notaristรบn fan Jorwert and yn it dekรดr fan het Iepenloftspul Jorwert. Yn the tsjinst wurdt yngien op de tematyk fan it stik Bitter Swiere Pil. Foargonger: Rev. Hinne Wagenaar. Muzyk troch Wiebe Kaspers and Johan Postma. Wy begjinne mei kofje at 09.30 oere.
The 2020 Christmas celebration of Nijkleaster has been recorded by the KRO-NCRV to be broadcast on Christmas Day (at 16h10) and Boxing Day (08h10). Here a first impression: We would like to celebrate Christmas with you, with you! Tomorrow, December 25 at 16h10. Until then! Liturgy booklet; KRO-NCRV - With Heart and Soul; NPO Start, With Heart and Soul
On both Christmas days this year, KRO-NCRV will broadcast the particularly atmospheric Christmas celebration on television from the medieval Redbadtsjerke in Jorwert. On Friday, December 25, 2020, Met hart en ziel will air on NPO2 from 4:10 p.m. onwards. On Saturday morning, December 26, also on NPO2, the celebration will be broadcast from 08h10. A preview of the...
With Heart and Soul Christmas Celebration This special year, the Christmas celebration will also be different than usual for many. Not huddled together in a warming church for Christmas Eve. Not gloating with children playing and singing in the Christmas morning. No, we are at home watching the various celebrations through our screens. By the light of...
For the next while, Marian Nijland, regular guest at Nijkleaster and attention giver, suggests a moment of attention every Monday. We are now three weeks on the road, three weeks without my regular Wednesday walk to the Nijkleaster morning. I miss it. In the beginning, I still visited the church in Jorwert regularly. Now I am...