Youth Weekend

Taking a Breath. A weekend for young people ages 18 - 30

You probably recognize it: you are busy with your studies or your work, with meeting deadlines, with maintaining social contacts, with internet and social media, with complying with all kinds of external pressures... Where and when do you find time and rest for yourself? For your inner world, for the matters of the heart, for exchange with others in which you experience recognition.

Nijkleaster invites you to a weekend in which you experience peace and space, in which you slow down and catch your breath. The monastery is an open retreat center where everyone is welcome, whether you are religious or not.

A number of monastics live and work there. With the help of volunteers, they make sure that everything runs smoothly. The monastery is in a beautiful location in the Frisian countryside. A place that invites you to experience peace and quiet. There are nine comfortable rooms.

During this weekend we live in the rhythm of the monastery: we participate in three short celebrations in the chapel. We help with the monastic work (chores in the kitchen, housekeeping or in the garden) and we eat together. During the day there is enough space to be alone as well. You will come across the common thread "Taking a breath" again and again during this weekend.

youth program
Youth Weekend

Three weekends for young people in 2025:

  • 7-9 februari (VOL!)
  • May 23-25
  • Oct. 17-19

Arrival: Friday between 3:30-16:00 p.m. Departure: Sunday around 1:30 p.m. after lunch

Guidance: Saskia Leene (kleasterpastor) and Anke ten Brinke (trainer/teacher mbo). For more information or if you have questions or uncertainties, please contact either of them. Saskia:, Anke:

We live along to the regular rhythm of the monastery. There you can also take a look at the information booklet for guests. You will stay individually (or together) in a guest room. There are nine guest rooms with two beds. Participants usually choose to stay alone in a room in order to experience the silence. Should you come as a couple and wish to share a room, of course you can. You may want to explore turning off your phone.

A Youth Weekend 2025 costs โ‚ฌ 75. We want to keep the Youth Weekend accessible with this reduced rate. If you have your own income and more to spend, we invite you to pay an amount between โ‚ฌ 100 and โ‚ฌ 150 for the Youth Weekend.

You can sign up here

youth program
A weekend for young people aged 18 - 30